Hydratec Inc.

AutoCAD Based Cards

Total: 673


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Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
View (card-1062) (AutoCAD Based) None None None

When drawing objects, you get these funny icons/images next to the drawn object.  If you hover over it, it mentions an osnap option

View (card-464) (AutoCAD Based) None None None

Poly lines and leaders etc. appear to be hollow.

View (card-124) (AutoCAD Based) None None Runtime Error

Runtime Error 53, File Not Found HydexVB.DLL Transfer to HydraCALC

View (card-598) (AutoCAD Based) None None Runtime Error

Runtime Error 5 Invalid Procedure Call or Argument 

View (card-1199) Steel (AutoCAD Based) Floor Elevation Abacus Unhandled Exception

When clicking the abacus to enter a length, you get this error;


Unhandled exception has occurred in a component in your application.  If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue.

Index and length must refer to a location within the string.  Parameter name: length

View (card-1198) Steel (AutoCAD Based) Structure Elevations Abacus Unhandled Exception

When clicking the abacus to enter a length, you get this error;


Unhandled exception has occurred in a component in your application.  If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue.

Index and length must refer to a location within the string.  Parameter name: length

View (card-385) Steel (AutoCAD Based) Steel Space None None

Steel offset is greater than 0 and the first point picked doesn't have any steel layers (obstruction layers) directly above it (assuming your line is running north/south) BS HydraCAD 52.03 r1

View (card-263) Steel (AutoCAD Based) Structure Elevations None None

when placing a TOS defline and a item is picked to place the Tos defline. If the item has a Z coordinate then this can be assinged the TOS block. the defline will be a 0 but the blocks will be elevated (although it looks normal) this will usually raise once and then the error will occur even if you put a new defline in. tos id missing

View (card-1287) Sprinklers (AutoCAD Based) Insert Sprinkler Head Block Definition Sprinkler Not Properly Configured

When inserting a SIDEWALL sprinkler, HydraCAD does not ask for the rotation angle of the sprinkler head, it inserts it at 0°



Ideally, it should ask for the rotation angle of the sprinkler head;




View (card-1200) Sprinklers (AutoCAD Based) Define Drops/Sprigs Or Ceiling Height Abacus Unhandled Exception

When clicking the abacus to enter a length, you get this error;


Unhandled exception has occurred in a component in your application.  If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue.

Index and length must refer to a location within the string.  Parameter name: length
